Branding Services


Brand Protection
Legal Services by US Lawyers
Trademarks / Patents with USPTO
Infringement Complaints
Cease and Desist Letters

Brand Recognition + Improvement
Social Media Management
Website Development
Physical US Address / Phone
Audit Product Reviews / Seller Feedback

One of the largest factors affecting sales conversions, and therefore revenue and profit, is branding. Branding results from the sum of many factors, both "tangible" and "subliminal". It affects product desirability and competition. Good branding leads to greater visibility and demand, larger ranges in price viability (what prices people will be willing to pay for a product), and better post-sales satisfaction.

  • Tangible branding is the most obvious. Logos, names, websites, and more can be placed on products, marketing materials, and packaging. These are visible manifestations that can be displayed, shared, sent.
  • Subliminal branding is intangible and invisible. This involves how a product or company makes a person feel when they think about it. It may be colored by a customer's past experiences and interactions with the brand, what they've heard from the media or associates, and any other conceptions or misconceptions.

Because of the importance of branding on customer decisions, brands and sellers must build up and protect their product image as well as their company image in order to succeed.

Enforcing intellectual property rights (covering copyrights, patents, and trademarks) involves legal processes such as properly filing applications, evidence gathering and documentation, sending cease-and-desist letters, and writing and responding to correspondence. In extreme cases, trials are necessary. For this reason, our expert intellectual property lawyers have handled thousands of such cases and offer advanced legal services at highly competitive prices.